The hotel a dream

We are very excited! The Missing Link has invited us from Fraktalwerk Projektraum to be part of the culture weekend at the Hotel Kurhaus Bergün/Schweiz

30. June – 2. Juli 2023 Bergün/Switzerland

A dream weekend organised by

Dreams are passages, our “rites de passage” this weekend in Bergün. We will turn the Hotel Kurhaus Bergün into a dream hotel, record the dreams in its indeed dreamlike surroundings together with you and spin them on, let them dance and be narrated.


Fraktalwerk Berlin: Libertad Esmeralda Iocco, Marlen Wagner und Robert Krokowski
The Missing Link, Zürich: Barbara Willi, Carla Thür, Fabian Ludwig, Heini Bader, Husam Suliman, Katarzyna Nowak, Olaf Knellessen und Yves Burger
Andres Bosshard, Klangkünstler, Zürich
Ingeborg Lüscher, Künstlerin, Tegna

© Claudia Maria Lehner


Friday, 30. June 2023
«Tango Passage»
Fraktalwerk Berlin – Libertad Esmeralda Iocco, Marlen Wagner and Robert Krokowski – explore the dream thresholds between the arts of dance, performance, installation, film and literature. On this evening, they will present the dance performance “Tango Passage “. Afterwards, the dance is free for all.

Saturday, 1. July 2023

«Eyes Wide Shut»
Thoughts on dreams, their meaning for us and our world and for this weekend with the Dream Night.

Saturday, 1. July 2023
Short film and reading on “Traumspuren” with Marlen Wagner, Berlin.

Dream Night
The sound artist Andres Bosshard has brought back sounds from all over the world from his numerous journeys. Among them are rare sound documents from the Thar Desert, where sounds can be heard at night from far away. These come from the concert of a shrine where Sufis have had their chants carried into the open night sky every night for 400 years. From his recordings, Andres Bosshard will weave a sound carpet live for a sleeping and dreaming audience, who will spend an entire night in the blue hall, wrapped in quiet sounds, taking an imaginary dream journey together. This poetic journey will take them around the entire planet and end with a bird concert at sunrise back at the Kurhaus Bergün.

Sunday, 2. July 2023
11.00 Ingeborg Lüscher, artist
“I look into the large tub, half-filled with sulphur dust, and begin to dream, to dissolve in this incomprehensible glow, not suspecting that it is only the beginning of a life together.”

Registration for the Dream Weekend until 19 May 2023 at:
Phone: +41 81 407 22 22

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